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Passeig Joan Carles I, 1, 07800 Ibiza, Spain
Lio Ibiza is a cabaret restaurant, also now known as a gastro club. It might sound strange to inc…
Zona Dalt Vila, Ronda de Narcis Puget Viñas
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Ibiza (MACE) is located in Dalt Vila, in a building that adapts…
Carrer Major, 2, 07800 Eivissa, Illes Balears, Spain
Located just in front of Ibiza’s Cathedral, Madina Yasiba was once the headquarters of the Courts…
Zona Dalt Vila, Ronda de Narcis Puget Viñas
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Ibiza was inaugurated by the Ibiza Town Hall in 1969, thanks to…
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